The buying process












Selecting a product & colour

Have a look at our Products Range where you will get an idea of the quartz, granite, marble and sintered products we offer. We are happy to meet with clients at the slab yard to view raw cuts when necessary. What we advise:

  • Narrow down what you’d like to see before consulting with us owing to the large variety of products we have on offer.
  • Bring samples of the following: cabinet, paint and tile to better facilitate colour and pattern selection.


Job specifications

Before we can quote, the following needs to be ascertained:

Product measurements and fit
Will it fit into the material or will a joint between sections be necessary? We can also do site visits to measure on request.

Kitchen/bathroom layout
Where can tops be joined to maximize slab usage without having unnecessary joints or having joints on feature areas like an island.

Installation site
If a top needs to be installed upstairs we have to look at things like the stair access and the amount of movement space for larger tops. For larger islands we might have to send extra people to help carry the top. We also need to consider how far tops will need to be carried.

Do you have power for us to do the cutouts or do we need to supply a generator for cutouts to be done.

Appliance type
Is your appliances normal drop in or are they underslung (Meaning that we need to cut and polish in the factory and glue the basin to the bottom of the tops on site).

Draining grooves
For underslung basins draining grooves might be a much needed extra.

Splashbacks might be needed in areas where water will be used on a regular basis.

Special profiling
Status Stones is one of the few companies that offer specialized edge profiling above the normal square and round edge profiles – giving a special featured area like the island a profile may make a world of difference.


Quote and preparation

Once a quote has been accepted the client is to ensure that all appliances are ready for us and an installation date will be booked based on installation teams availability; as well as taking into consideration that tops will require measurement and templating once cupboard installation is complete.



Once a deposit has been received, slabs will be ordered directly from the suppliers and delivered to our factory where all tops will be cut, profiled, polished & sealed. Standard manufacture time is between 3 - 7 working days to ensure the perfect fit.



Please ensure the following prior to installation:

  • Site accessibility on the day of installation
  • That other contractors are aware of our installation on the day as we require space to manoeuvre bigger tops.
  • All appliances that need to go through the tops to be on site. Including but not limited to: sinks, basins, hobs, taps, pop-up-plugs, and remember those holes for cables in the areas like offices or dressers.
​Our professional installation teams will do the required cutouts in an outside area while using water to minimize dust.

Please note that 24 hours should be allowed for the glue & silicon to dry as to ensure the positioning of your tops.